Coffee stains, you're on the way to the office and grab a coffee whilst running for the train, before you know it it's spilt out of that tiny whole at the top and gone down your shirt. Not the best impression for your 9am meeting, however, at least it can be salvaged for the next one by using Vanish Pink Powder.



To remove coffee stains, we recommend you use Vanish Pink Powder


Vanish Pink Oxi Action Fabric Stain Remover Powder

Vanish Pink Oxi Action Fabric Stain Remover Powder

Vanish® Pink Oxi Action Fabric Stain Remover Powder


Step 1

Add 1 scoop of Vanish powder into 4L of 40°C water with detergent.

Step 2

Soak for 15 minutes.

Step 3

Rinse with tap water. For best results on tough stains, rub the stains out of the clothes before rinsing.


Always follow the usage instructions on the Vanish packaging. Do not use on wool, silk or leather. Do not use on finished or coated surfaces - for example wood, metals etc.

Didn't find the solution you were looking for?

Expert Tips

Take a clean, damp paper towel or cloth and dab the tea or coffee stain until you have removed as much as possible.

Follow Vanish instructions as above.

Our top coffee stain removal tip is to not let the stain dry! Coffee will become harder to remove later if you don't treat the stain immediately. We would also encourage you not to rub a stained item; this will only smear the stain around even more and make it look more of a mess. Blot don't rub!